What if you were on the cusp of a big change in your life – a retirement, a move, a change in marital status, an emptying nest – and you could get a new start...
But you didn't know what you wanted?
That's where I was in 2012 when I was offered an early retirement. Luckily, I was led through the Four Desires, a life-changing process designed to get me the life I wanted and deserved.
That's how What's NEXT?!? was born.
Using reflection, discussion, and meditation--based on ancient wisdom and modern brain science – I will walk you through 3 phases in 6 sessions
THIS IS MY LIFE Create a clear, inspired declaration of who you are and what you stand for.
LET IT GO Release old ways of thinking that no longer serve you and create new ways to respond.
WHAT'S NEXT Take on a specific outcome over the next 3+ months that leads directly into your new life
Be in touch to schedule a Discovery Session to see how you can create the life you love. Let's schedule an online consultation right now!
Cris C. of Fall River says, “The Four Desires really helped me to get my house ready to be sold and to focus on what is important in my life.
Thanks, Denise, for your guidance on the journey of my life.’’
Karyn D. of Oakland says, “No words can truly capture my gratitude for your time, attention and wisdom. Thank you for helping me to learn how to beat my drum and marshal myself forward!"